2025 Project Prioritization Process
The Prioritized Project List contains a list of unfunded highway, transit, bicycle, and pedestrian projects that have been prioritized for funding. The list is updated annually, allowing local governments to plan for the funding and implementation of projects in their respective communities. Priorities are based on established criteria such as traffic volumes, environmental impacts, and available matching local funds.
Project Development
Each jurisdiction shares their transportation needs and projects for which they plan to seeking State and/or Federal funding.
HRTPO staff will review and recommend the best path for that particular need.
Prepare Applications
If it's determined a project is a good candidate for one of the competitive grant programs, an application should be prepared by the jurisdiction.
HRTPO staff are available to provide preliminary review, prepare location maps, or provide other support as needed.
Submit Applications
Applications should be submitted to FDOT following the Submission Guide. Projects submitted will be evaluated based on the HRTPO Evaluation Criteria and grant program guidelines.
A ranked Priority Project list will be presented to the HRTPO Board for adoption in June 2025.
Project Development
By January 3, 2025
Please share transportation needs and projects for which your jurisdiction plans to seek State and/or Federal funding.
HRTPO staff will review and recommend the best path for that particular need.
Please use this form or email mmdaniel@cfrpc.org to share transportation needs and projects for which your jurisdiction plans to seek State and/or Federal funding.
Grant Programs
Small-Scale Non-Capacity Facilities for Non-Motorized Users
Transportation Alternatives (TA)
Smaller-scale transportation projects such as pedestrian and bicycle facilities, recreational trails, safe routes to school projects, community improvements such as historic preservation and vegetation management, and environmental mitigation related to stormwater and habitat connectivity.
How to Submit:
FDOT's GAP Portal
Required Documents:
District 1 Project Application; Engineer Cost Estimate spreadsheet; and HRTPO Supplemental Form
Improve Local Roads to Support State Highway System
County Incentive Grant Program
CIGP provides grants to counties to improve transportation facilities, including transit facilities, which are located on the State Highway System (SHS) or that relieves traffic congestion on the SHS.
How to Submit:
FDOT Liaison
Required Documents:
District 1 Project Application; Letter of Application
Rural Resurfacing (Counties)
Small County Outreach Program (SCOP)
SCOP is available to assist small county governments in repairing or rehabilitating county bridges, paving unpaved roads, addressing road-related drainage improvements, resurfacing or reconstructing county roads, or constructing capacity safety improvements on county roads. Funds are available to counties that have a population of 200,000 or less.
How to Submit:
FDOT's GAP Portal
Required Documents:
Small-scale Operational Improvements
Congestion Management (CMS)
Projects to improve traffic operations and safety by using strategies to reduce travel demand or implement operational improvements. They typically improve travel conditions through the use of low-cost improvements or strategies, which can be implemented in a relatively short timeframe (within 5 – 10 years) compared to more traditional capacity improvements, such as adding travel lanes.
How to Submit:
FDOT Liaison
Required Documents:
District 1 Project Application; Engineer Cost Estimate spreadsheet; and HRTPO Supplemental Form
Rural Resurfacing
Small County Road Assistance Program (SCRAP)
SCRAP assists small county governments in resurfacing and reconstructing county roads. Funds are available to counties that have a population of 75,000 or less per the 1990 US Census data.
How to Submit:
FDOT's GAP Portal
Required Documents:
Improve Regional Roads
Transportation Regional Incentive Program (TRIP)
TRIP provides funding to improve regionally significant transportation facilities by providing incentives for local governments and the private sector to help pay for critically needed projects that benefit regional travel and commerce.
How to Submit:
FDOT Liaison
Required Documents:
District 1 Project Application; TRIP Supplemental Form
Rural Resurfacing (Municipalities)
Small County Outreach Program for Municipalities (SCOP-M)
SCOP for “Municipalities” is available to Rural Areas of Opportunity designated under Section 288.0656(7)(a), Florida Statutes (F.S.). The transportation facility must be publicly owned and maintained by the municipality. Funds are available to assist in the repair and rehabilitation of bridges, paving unpaved roads; addressing road-related drainage improvements; resurfacing or reconstruction of roads and constructing safety improvements to roads.
How to Submit:
FDOT's GAP Portal
Required Documents:
HRTPO Request for Transportation Priorities from FDOT
District One Project Application
Required for TA, CM, TRIP, and CIGP
HRTPO Supplemental Form
Required for TA and CM
Transportation Alternatives Application
Required for TA
Transportation Alternatives Engineer Cost Estimate
Required for TA
TRIP Supplemental Form
Required for TRIP
2024 Basis of Estimates Manual
A helpful resource to develop cost estimates for a project
GAP Help Guide
If you needs access to GAP, request an account through the GAP system