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Long Range Transportation Plan

The LRTP provides a common vision for the community’s future transportation needs and guides the investment of public funds in transportation facilities, addressing a timeline of 20 or more years.


2023 - 2026

Public Participation Plan

The Public Participation Plan (PPP) provides guidelines used by the HRTPO to inform and gather input from residents, communities, and interest groups throughout the six counties in order to expand the information available for planning.


2021 - 2026

Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan

Glades & Hendry Service Area | The TDSP is developed by the Community Transportation Coordinator (CTC) and the Planning Agency under the guidance and approval of the Local Coordinating Board. The plan is an annually updated tactical plan with components of development, service and, quality assurance. community.


2024/25 - 2028/29

Transportation Improvement Program

The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is a comprehensive list of federal, state and locally funded transportation projects. All modes of transportation are included in the TIP. Produced annually, the TIP is known as a short-range plan because it allocates resources and dollars over each upcoming 5-year period by project phase.


2024/25 - 2025/26

United Planning Work Program

This Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) describes the transportation planning tasks to be performed within the HRTPO study area.


2021 - 2026

Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan

DeSoto, Hardee, Highlands, & Okeechobee Service Area | The TDSP is developed by the Community Transportation Coordinator (CTC) and the Planning Agency under the guidance and approval of the Local Coordinating Board. The plan is an annually updated tactical plan with components of development, service and, quality assurance. community.



Prioritized Project List

The List of Prioritized Project (LOPP) contains a list of unfunded highway, transit, bicycle, and pedestrian projects that have been prioritized for funding. The list is updated annually, allowing local governments to plan for the funding and implementation of projects in their respective communities.



Congestion Management Process (CMP)

The Congestion Management Process (CMP) is a systematic approach for managing congestion throughout the region, providing the safe and effective integrated management and operation of new and existing transportation facilities through the use of demand reduction and operational management strategies.



Highlands Transit Plan

The Highlands Transit Plan is a Transit Development Plan (TDP) for Highlands County. The plan establishes a strategic vision to guide planning, development, and implementation of public transportation service over the next 10 years. Developed through a collaborative process and based on the community’s vision, the plan and is updated every five years.

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