The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT),
District One, invites you to attend the SR 29
Improvements Project Development & Environment
(PD&E) Re-Evaluation Public Hearing in-person or
live online on Tuesday, April 29, 2025.
The hearing is being conducted to present the
preferred alternatives and all analysis to date, as
well as to give interested persons an opportunity
to express their views concerning the location,
conceptual design, and social, economic,
and environmental effects of the proposed
You can participate in the public hearing live online
or in-person. The same material will be presented
during either format and all attendees will have
the opportunity to comment. The materials will
be available by April 22, 2025, on the project
LaBelle Civic Center
481 Hickpochee Ave., LaBelle, FL 33935
Anytime between 5 – 6 pm — Open House
6 pm — Formal presentation and comment
Displays will be available starting at 5 pm to review
at your own pace and the formal presentation will
being at 6 pm. The project team will be available
for discussion.
Register in advance:
5:45 pm — Overview for how to submit comments
6 pm — Formal presentation and comment
This event will include a livestream of the in-person
presentation and the formal comment portion.
Please review the materials on the project webpage
before attending the virtual event
FDOT, District One, began a PD&E study in July
2021 to evaluate proposed improvements along a
2.6 mile segment of SR 29 from CR 80A (Cowboy
Way) to north of CR 731 (Whidden Road) in
Hendry and Glades Counties. The purpose of the
PD&E re-evaluation is to improve traffic operations,
access, and mobility along SR 29. FDOT
anticipates this project will also enhance safety
along the project corridor, improve emergency
evacuation, and improve access between Hendry
and Glades Counties. The project will widen
sidewalks along the corridor and look at improves
at the intersections of SR 29 and Cowboy Way,
SR 80 at Main Street and Bridge Street, and Park
Avenue and Main Street and Bridge Street. The
no-build alternative, where no improvements other
than routine maintenance are made to SR 29 will
remain viable throughout the remainder of this
project phase.
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