Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP)
Long Range Transportation Plan is a visionary document outlining transportation goals for 20 years.
A Long Range Transportation Plan helps communities prepare for the future by improving transportation, supporting growth, protecting the environment, and meeting the needs of residents. It sets a clear vision to help communities grow in a smart and sustainable way.
Development of transportation systems to support a prosperous, globally competitive economy that improves the quality of life for the Heartland residents while minimizing impacts to the natural environment.
Tomorrow’s transportation system will connect the Heartland’s communities, providing choices to move people and goods efficiently, safely, and reliably, while supporting a competitive economy.
As the metropolitan planning organization for the Heartland of Florida, the HRTPO adopted the region’s second Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) for the year 2045 in March 2021.
Stakeholders in the process include the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Federal Transit Administration (FTA), the cities in the region, the six counties of DeSoto, Glades, Hardee, Hendry, Highlands and Okeechobee, and the general public.
Project Priority List
Each June, the Priority Project List is updated to identify projects for consideration of State and Federal funding.
The Prioritized Project List contains a list of unfunded highway, transit, bicycle, and pedestrian projects that have been prioritized for funding.
The list is updated annually, allowing local governments to plan for the funding and implementation of projects in their respective communities.
Priorities are based on established criteria such as safety, traffic volumes, environmental impacts, and available matching local funds.
FDOTs Work Program
The Five-Year Work Program identifies funds for priority transportation projects for the next five years..
Each year, District One FDOT works closely with the six local metropolitan and transportation planning organizations and regional entities to identify and develop priority projects.
The process and partnerships stabilize the Department’s work program and help us maintain Florida’s transportation system for our residents, businesses, and visitors.
Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)
The Transportation Improvement Program aligns the LRTP and FDOT's Work Program to be eligible for State and Federal funds.
The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is a comprehensive list of federal, state and locally funded transportation projects. All modes of transportation are included in the TIP.
This includes transit, roadways, bridges, aviation, seaport, rail and commuter rail, bicycle facilities, pedestrian provisions, and enhancement projects like landscaping and greenways. Produced annually, the TIP is known as a short-range plan because it allocates resources and dollars over each upcoming 5-year period by project phase.